Vrinda Ravi Kumar

Postdoctoral Scientist

Curriculum vitae


Department of Ecology

Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences

Past Projects

Ancestral and demographic determinants of population performance adapting to a novel environment

For my dissertation, I used an experimental evolution approach to identify correlates of adaptation at the population level. Using ten phenotypically distinct populations of the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum), evolving in three different resources, I asked what ancestral phenotypic distributions correlated with population performance during adaptation. Which fitness components mattered during adaptation?

In collaboration with some of my colleagues from the Adaptation Lab, I collected a large population dynamic dataset (for 40+ generations of experimental evolution) to address these questions. The manuscript detailing these findings is currently under preparation.

To me, these findings highlighted the powerful role ancestral variation plays during rapid adaptation, along with plastic single-generation changes in population phenotypes. It is always astounding to see just how rapidly traits can evolve, further highlighting the need to unify ecological and evolutionary frameworks.
Evolutionary ecology of niche preference in a generalist beetle

I also worked on the niche preference of a generalist beetle, and how these behaviours responded to changes in the environment. I studied two primary kinds of niche use in holometabolous insects (insects that metamorphosize) - larval feeding preference and adult female oviposition preference. I perturbed the environment using both biotic and abiotic factors and measured the impact of these changes on insect behaviour.

I found that experience with different contexts - female age, experienced resource and experienced density - changes female oviposition (fecundity and oviposition preference in a heterogenous habitat). Moreover, context-specific oviposition behaviour aligns with a classic tradeoff in the red flour beetle. Females can either lay a few eggs in the optimal resource and increase offspring development rate; or lay more eggs indiscriminately and increase offspring numbers. (Ravi Kumar et al, 2022)

I also found that larval feeding preference is astonishingly flexible in response to early experience with resources, even ancestrally novel ones. This may be one of the mechanisms for generalism to persist in this species (Ravi Kumar et al 2018, graphical abstract).

These findings illustrated the role of experienced context and behavioural plasticity in modulating trait expression across environments, which may uncover alternative ways to maximize fitness. This tremendously complicates the study of phenotypic variation, which is at the heart of eco-evolutionary dynamics.
Evolution of male-to-male aggression under varying levels of sexual conflict

For my master's dissertation, I worked with selection lines of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) that evolved under three levels of sexual conflict, in Dr. N.G. Prasad's lab. The lines evolved for over 100 generations under three sex ratios (3:1 ♂:♀; 1:1 ♂:♀, and 1:3 ♂:♀). 

I tested whether male-to-male aggression evolved in response to this selection regime. The expectation was that males in the male-biased lines would develop a higher level of competitive male-to-male aggression. To do this, I developed a novel temporal sampling strategy to reliably construct ethograms of distinct aggressive behaviours. I found that male aggressive behaviours were indeed higher in the male-biased regime. 

This spurred my interest in the impact of local individual diversity on individual behaviour, both within a single generation (e.g. behavioural plasticity) and across generations (e.g. evolved behaviours).

Stroke epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical outcomes

During a gap year following the completion of my PhD, I worked in collaboration with Turtle Shell Technologies, a startup focused on simplifying healthcare and making it accessible to a larger patient population. During my engagement with them as an R&D consultant, I conducted a literature review and evaluated the global and local disease burden of different neurological diseases. I identified stroke as a primary research focus because innovations targeted towards stroke intervention promised to have a very high impact on alleviating disease burden, both globally and in India. 

I reviewed existing clinical literature regarding the epidemiology, pathophysiology, presentation, anatomy and physiology, clinical outcomes and existing solutions for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. I also assessed the prevention and treatment gaps for strokes in the Indian healthcare system and created an internal report for the company to aid possible innovation in this domain.

Doing research in a non-academic setting was a rich learning experience for me. I loved that my research had the potential for immediate impacts on the healthcare space. I also learned how to approach a research problem flexibly, from the perspectives of diverse stakeholders. 

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